Company 5
Company #5 is the IFA's designation for those individuals who are retired from service from the IFA. Those names listed below have honorably and courageously given their time and effort to serve the Indiana area for a minumum of 15 years with many serving well beyond that. These individuals helped pave the way for the IFA and helped shape what it is today.
Dave Allshouse
Mark Angelo
Sam Buchanan
Dick Buterbaugh
Chris Caldwell
Ed Clark
Michael Clawson
John Colananni
Denny Davis
Sam Dotts
David Drye
Bob Elias
Darhl Empfield​
Anthony Enciso
Gary Fulton
Greg Holsinger
Matthew Hotchkiss
Bill Juart
George Kokus
Dan Kunkle
Denny Kunkle
Chuck Lockard
Brent Marshall
Ty McGary
Murry Medsger
Dan Mock
Dave Moore
Theodore Moreau
Thomas Moreau
Michael Mulgrew
Joe Namen
Jim Rickard
Gary Robbins
Kirk Shank
Denny Shank
Art Smith
Bill Sobieray
Ralph Stitt
Larry Treese
David Watkins
Barry Widdowson